Technology and labor market: adapt or disappear? The importance of traininig

Keeping up with the constant technological evolution and remaining competitive in the job market undoubtedly represents the main challenge for all companies.
The speed of change and the obsolescence of skills
In recent years, we have witnessed unprecedented technological progress, which has brought with it great innovations, but also increasing difficulties in keeping up, along with fears and uncertainties that are difficult to resolve.
“The future of Jobs Report 2025” by the World Economic Forum (WEF) reveals that 39% of our professional skills could become obsolete as early as 2030. In the technology sector, this data is even more accelerated and highlights the need for workers to adapt and acquire new skills in order to continue holding relevant positions.Moreover, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) already indicated in its "Skills Outlook 2021" that continuous training is essential to enable people to face the economic, work-related, climatic, and demographic changes that are transforming societies.
The impact of AI
The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in the global job market has had a revolutionary impact on the transformation of tasks and the perception of work, automating repetitive tasks and increasing operational efficiency. The use of AI in the labor market has often been accompanied by fears and concerns related to the fear of a decline in employment and the disappearance of jobs without the possibility of retraining. In reality, the latest forecasts suggest that this technology will eliminate around 9 million jobs by 2030 but will create approximately 11 million new positions related to the fields of artificial intelligence, resulting in a net increase in employment. In any case, the perception is that this revolution cannot be stopped, and the vast majority of business executives interviewed on this topic, about 86%, are certain that artificial intelligence and related technologies will significantly change their activities by 2030.
The rapid technological changes currently taking place in the world of work should therefore be seen as an opportunity for growth, approached without fear and with an awareness of the great growth potential they entail. Just think that in the European Union alone, in 2024, artificial intelligence startups raised funding of 8 billion dollars, equivalent to 20% of all venture capital funding.Investing in training: the true capital of companiesThese challenges, however, cannot be faced without continuous and qualified professional training. A skilled and updated team using (see more)
Investing in training: the real capital of companies
These challenges, however, cannot be faced without continuous and qualified professional training. A skilled and updated team using new technology can improve processes, create new products and services, and quickly adapt to market challenges in any industry.
To understand how crucial this bet is for the future of businesses, it is enough to see that the European Union, in its recent EU Artificial Intelligence Act has imposed on companies the obligation to provide their employees with adequate training to acquire the necessary skills for understanding and using AI.For companies, investing in training becomes an indispensable choice for their very survival within the job market.
Investing in employee training not only represents an economic and productive advantage in the medium and long term but also fosters employee motivation and satisfaction, reduces turnover and the associated costs, and contributes to spreading a positive and proactive corporate culture.
Investing in staff training also means putting your collaborators in the best conditions to perform the tasks assigned to them, providing support and assistance. Equipping them with appropriate tools and equipment, exploring the technologies that most impact their sector, and keeping them satisfied, curious, and updated on their professional landscape are all important aspects of staff training. One cannot even think of demanding competent and up-to-date workers while simultaneously providing them with obsolete technologies and work tools that are not up to the set objectives, which prolong execution times and increase stress, frustration, and disaffection towards work.
In a delicate, high-performance, and constantly evolving environment like document management, this primarily means having adequate technological solutions at your disposal. Advanced software, which is constantly updated, already integrates the powerful functions of artificial intelligence. Reliable professional partners ensure that users receive personalized guidance and qualified, constant support.
Continuous training is not an option but a necessity. Both professionals and companies must adopt a learning-oriented mindset to remain competitive and thrive in the modern job market. Artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies offer significant opportunities, but only for those who are willing to invest in their own development and adapt to ongoing changes. Finding the most suitable solutions for the evolution of one's company is the real challenge to overcome.