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Brochures and White Papers

Brochures and White Papers

LogicalDOC Document Management System

LogicalDOC DMS is a flexible and all-inclusive business document management system integrated with third-party applications. Businesses can finally free themselves from the overwhelming volume of printed documents that blog down their daily operations.
Explore the benefits and the extended capabilities of the LogicalDOC solution!

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LogicalDOC Clustering

A LogicalDOC Cluster is a number of computers working together to ensure a document management system is available and performing efficiently. The computers in the network exist independently but are connected to maximize the performance of the system.

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LogicalDOC Technical Paper

You may have used a lot of Document Management Systems that were expensive; tricky to install and use, and to waste much of your time. But with LogicalDOC, the simplicity and convenience jump to next level. Install and implement this professional and high-quality document management software because it is as easy as a pie and is beneficial for your work.

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LogicalDOC Security

The software has a lot of options that will customize the experience of every single user: it will be possible to create a secure connection for anonymous users, manage the security settings of specific documentation of folders, create reports for the most important updates and many other features that will allow a secure access to your documents.

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LogicalDOC Flyer

You may have used a lot of Document management systems that were expensive; tricky to install and use, and wasted much of your time. But with LogicalDOC, the simplicity and convenience jump to next level.

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LogicalDOC ecosystem

LogicalDOC is a sophisticated and comprehensive platform. See this infographic to have an idea of the product.

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Transitioning from Paper-based to Paperless Office

There are an inexhaustible numbers of reasons to go paperless. This paper illustrates the reasons why countless organizations are striving to transition their offices from paper-based to paperless systems.

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With a multi-tenant architecture, LogicalDOC is designed to virtually partition its data and configuration, and each client organization works with a customized virtual application.
Discover how to save your costs by sharing services with logicaldoc multitenancy.

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Go Paperless

Fascinated by the idea of a paperless office? With LogicalDOC it's possible to replace paper documents with their electronic counterpart, gaining a competitive advantage derived from a more efficient management of your business, more effective protection of data, enhanced collaboration and rationalization of operations.
This interesting reading shows you how easy is to switch to a paperless office.

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10 steps to implement your EDMS

A Document Management System is crucial to steer business processes and to ensure that people have access to the right information; whenever they want and wherever they are.
This white paper describes 10 steps to a successful implementation of a (Electronic) Document Management System.

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LogicalDOC is an enterprise electronic document management system that can be used by companies large and small as a flexible and low-cost way to effectively manage records.
This presentation will give you a quick overview of LogicalDOC and its features.

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LogicalDOC white paper

White Paper

The biggest problem confronting organizations in all industries is the distribution of information. Numerous documents are generated each day; many are co-authored, revised, and exchanged among individuals or teams of employees.
This paper discusses the most important areas where LogicalDOC can improve your business' efficiency.

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Via Aldo Moro, 3
41012 - Carpi (Modena)
+39 059 597 0906

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