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Savings due to Document Management

Savings due to Document Management

Document Management

Think for a moment what your business could do with a few hundred hours of extra labor on an annual basis. What sort of impact would thousands of dollars in cost-savings have on your bottom line? For most organizations, this would translate into an incredible competitive advantage regardless of their niche. Implementing a modern, cloud-based document management system can deliver these advantages, and many more.

Let’s do some basic math; according to recent statistics and studies on productivity, each employee a business has devotes on average approximately 40-50 minutes every day to document-related tasks. These tasks include saving, archiving, and properly classifying files, faxing and e-mailing copies back and forth, and making sure that the relevant people have the necessary documents.

Study: Each employee a business has devotes on average approximately 40-50 minutes every day to document-related tasks.

With roughly 220 business days in the average year, this adds up to around 165 lost hours of labor for each and every employee under your roof. If your average cost of labor is $20/hour, over $3,300 is being wasted on busywork annually.

Use our handy calculator to find out how much your business could be saving every year.

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(average cost 20 USD/hour)


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3 Ways LogicalDOC Improves Your Business

Savings on Labor

Savings on Labor

As mentioned above, it is easy to save thousands of dollars annually by simply implementing a document management system which will speed things up for your employees. Every minute spent e-mailing documents to colleagues or searching in vain for the latest cost reports is money lost for your business.

Other Cost Savings

Other Cost Savings

Document management produces a variety of other cost savings as well. Once you bid goodbye to those bulky filing cabinets, you’ll need significantly less floor space in your office. You’ll spend less on toner, paper, and office supplies as you transition to a digital document management system.

Enhanced Productivity

Enhanced Productivity

Your employees will find it easier than ever to collaborate when they have access to a modern document management system. Communication between different departments of your business will dramatically improve, leaving more time to focus on core competencies.

Be Smart, Contact Us Today

If you are interested in saving your business hundreds of lost hours and potentially tens of thousands of dollars in wages, contact LogicalDOC today to speak with one of our qualified representatives. We will help prepare a case study for your business which will demonstrate exactly what you have to gain by implementing our modern document management system.

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+39 059 597 0906

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