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Cloud Document Management

Cloud Document Management

LogicalDOC Cloud is an On-Demand Approach

This document management solution is developed for those users who do not have the necessary resources for doing document storage in a self-hosted system. Like any cloud-based solution, also LogicalDOC Cloud is maintained in an external data center; there is nothing to install on your facility. Just purchase access and bypass all the infrastructure and maintenance issues.

Simple Web-based Document Management

Built specifically for your internet browser, the web-based interface provides familiar navigation and controls that allow you to search, retrieve, and share documents.

The web-based document management system emulates a traditional desktop interface, allowing you to organize your digital files into folders and subfolders. Version control and document workflow enrich the typical features of a DMS. Because you do not have to take care of the infrastructure, even small businesses can implement their records management and real-time business processes.

Online Document Management - Cloud

Advantages of Online Document Management

Cloud-based document management offers a safe way to create, collaborate, and share knowledge between people in different places. Colleagues in the office and those working from home offices or external locations can securely access and share electronic files.

Features that allow people to access the information they need – anytime, anywhere independently – reduce the need to be in the office to answer questions and requests. Employees who travel no longer need to call the office to ask that documents be sent by fax or email. Regarding customer relationship management, authorized clients can retrieve project information without the assistance of company employees. Suppliers can independently send invoices or forms without needing complicated FTP sites or chaotic emails.

Secure Your Documents

Secure your documents

If you choose the LogicalDOC Cloud solution, your application will be hosted on one of our servers, which are protected by professional backup procedures. Moreover, you can count on audit trails to discover how users are doing with the documents repository. Without having to put effort, you will benefit from many features, including integration with Microsoft Office, Zoho docs, Google Drive, and more online tools for managing documents like documents, spreadsheets, or other kinds of content.

Our flexible commercial policy is based on the disk storage space required and the number of supported users and can be tailored to suit your needs. If interested, you can ask for a quote from our sales office.

LogicalDOC Cloud vs LogicalDOC On-Premise

LogicalDOC Cloud implements the Software as a Service (SaaS) paradigm, in which you purchase a service and do not have to handle installation or maintenance issues. On the other hand, LogicalDOC On-Premise editions are standard software packages you must install onto your computer systems.

Secure your documents

The Cloud solution is the best choice for organizations that do not want to invest resources in maintaining an internal data center with complex backup and firewall protocols but need sharing and collaboration. The software package is preferred by customers who want to maintain direct control over the system and already have an IT infrastructure.

Both solutions give access to the same document management system, which your users will access using their internet browser.

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41012 - Carpi (Modena)
+39 059 597 0906

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