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End of Life Policy (EOLP)

End of Life Policy (EOLP)

Products reach the end of their Product Life Cycle for a number of reasons. These reasons may be due to market demands, security issues, technology innovation and development driving changes in the product, or the products simply mature over time and are replaced by functionally richer technology. While this is an established part of the overall product life cycle, LogicalDOC recognizes that end-of-life milestones often prompt companies to review the way in which such end-of-sale and end-of-life milestones impact the LogicalDOC products in their environments. With that in mind, we have set out below LogicalDOC's end-of-life policy to help customers better manage their end-of-life transition and to understand the role that LogicalDOC can play in helping to migrate to alternative LogicalDOC products or a new version of the same product.

Here below, we report the phases of the Life Cycle for every released version:

1. Release

All the versions marked as release are fully supported and recommended for production environments. We suggest you to always work with release versions and in any case maintain updated your system to the latest available release.

2. Phase-out

In general, 12 months after a version has been launched, it enters the phase-out status. Typically, the version stays in phase-out for 6 months. Phase-out versions are not valid for production.

During the phase-out period, no patches are released, the support is very limited and can only be engaged for system downs.

Running a phase-out version may lead to security issues and data loss. For this reason you will be invited to upgrade to the next release version before the end of life of your actual version.

LogicalDOC is relieved of all responsibility for problems caused by the use of a phase-out version.

3. End-of-life

Normally, 18 months after a version has been launched, it is declared end-of-life. An end-of-life version means that it was completely dismissed and must be never used for production nor any other purpose.

In this stage, even if you have a valid support contract in place, no support is available and therefore the system is exposed to any case of security vulnerability and data loss.

You will be strongly invited to upgrade to the next release version at your earliest.

LogicalDOC is relieved of all responsibility for problems caused by the use of an end-of-life version.

This document is published at the "End of Life Policy" section of this site and is subject to updating.

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