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04 July 2011

LogicalDOC 6.2 Released

The LogicalDOC team is pleased to announce the availability of the new release of LogicalDOC Enterprise, that is a maintenance release with some important add-ons.

Among other things, these are the notable changes:


  1. Compressed and Crypted Documents Repository
  2. New document Annotation system
  3. Dynamic configuration of parser for file extensions
  4. Plugins control panel
  5. Tags and Custom Attributes presets


  1. Progressive search
  2. Configurable default  number of displayed hits

User Interface

  1. Preview of Autocad DXF documents
  2. Improved the Tag input interface
  3. Improved preview of PDF and multimedia files
  4. Improved TagCloud 3D to show words with ideographic characters
  5. Simplified the direct acquisition from scanners
  6. Drop Spot upload progress bar
  7. Ability to preview Email document types


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