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06 December 2017

LogicalDOC unveils the Two-Factor Authentication

LogicalDOC login with 2FA

For LogicalDOC users and to ensure that their documents are well protected, LogicalDOC has made further progress to strengthen document management security by supporting two-factor authentication (2FA), in which Google Authenticator and YubiKey play a major role in implementation.

Two-factor authentication is now recommended to secure login of Internet services and protect against phishing attacks and credential theft.
This kind of authentication generates an on-the-fly token for the users, thereby increases the security of your accounts by requiring a second verification key/code during login.

Two-factor authentication makes it difficult for hackers to access online accounts and person’s devices because of its advanced security level.
It is not enough to recognize the victim's password to pass authentication verification. To prevent the data of their users’ from hackers, online services are progressively introducing 2FA. Two-factor authentication is responsible for accessing and controlling the sensitive data and systems.

LogicalDOC supports the two-factor authentication by integrating a couple of the most successfully 2FA technologies like Google Authenticator and YubiKey.

"We believe that offering various possibilities of two-factor authentication is important for our customers, and to further diversify the choice we decided to select two completely different options: Google Authenticator via software App and YubiKey as hardware option"

Alessandro Gasparini - CTO

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