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Scheduled Tasks Management Console

Scheduled Tasks Management Console

LogicalDOC provides the ability to schedule repetitive document management tasks using an internal Task Scheduler the administrators can configure directly from the browser.

task manager

For example you can use the this feature to automate document importing by monitoring a set of import folders that receives scanned files originating from an MFP or from another application's output reporting process. A lot of business processes and administrative tasks can be automated using this approach.

Other important tasks you can schedule are the documents indexing, the statistics computation...

You have a lot of tasks that can be configured in order to get LogicalDOC working in complete autonomy.

Benefits of this feature

  • All automatic operations can be scheduled to make the system autonomous and running without human interventions
  • Time consuming operations can be executed under the covers allowing the system to serve incoming users

Feature details

  • Specialized log for each task and detailed activity report
  • Simple scheduling, define uniform interval of time in which the specific task must run (e.g. each 30 minutes)
  • Advanced scheduling, define the extact time the specific task must run using something similar to CRON scheduler (e.g. at 11pm of each day)
  • The execution can be forced or halted by hand
  • A control panel is available showing the completion percentage of all tasks
  • More details in the Administrator's Guide




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