LogicalDOC's integrated Document Version Control automatically manages multiple document versions as it enters. A new version is produced and tracked every time a document is modified. The revision control is an essential part of control systems and document numbering. Hence the version number is always visible – the working copy (latest revision) is put forward for current operations, but the document's previous versions remain accessible.
Version control software allows you to monitor when any change was made and who performed it. A newly approved version is created when a user changes metadata or performs a check-out/check-in operation. Check-out/check-in operations will also generate a new file version.
Benefits of this feature
- Eliminates the need for ad-hoc naming conventions to manage file versions, such as inserting numbers or dates in the file name
- Users no longer need to remember to manually version files in the collaborative document management system.
- Document Control: view who made changes to a document, when, and what was modified
Feature details
- Revision history
- Configurable first revision number (1.0, .9, etc.)
- Modifiable number of maintained historical versions for each document
- Maintenance of major and minor document versions
- Double versioning for documents and attached files
- Differentiate between various document versions
- Access to versions maintained for every document
- Notes stored on each new version
- Comparison of content and metadata between versions